Feb. 9, 2022
Advocacy Teacher Training

Teaching advocacy gives another layer of understanding. If you are a barrister in England and Wales and would like to become an advocacy trainer contact the relevant person at your Inn.
Inner Temple: David Miller – DMiller@innertemple.org.uk
Gray’s Inn: Kristina Whelan –Kristina.whelan@graysinn.org.uk
Lincoln’s Inn: Chris Monckton – Chris.monckton@lincolnsinn.org.uk
Middle Temple: advocacytraining@middletemple.org.uk
Continuing Professional Development
Are you short of CPD or CLE hours? We can help?
Did you know podcasts can count for CPD or CLE? The Advocacy Podcast is packed with educational content.
12 episodes of practical advice from expert lawyers
Over 13 hours of tips on…
Advocacy Programs and Courses
AAI (Australian Advocacy Institute) Advocacy Skills WorkshopABA (Australian Bar Association) Courses including:* Appellate Advocacy Workshop * Essential Trial Advocacy * Advanced Trial Advocacy Intensive
England The…